The Faithful Blessings Bouquet is an incredible way to celebrate a communion, confirmation, or wedding, as well as send your sympathy for the loss of a loved one. Bringing together stems of fragrant Oriental Lilies, boasting multiple blooms on each stem to create a full and lush flower bouquet, this offering of flowers will bring peace and beauty to any of life's special moments and occasions. Presented in a keepsake designer white ceramic vase with a stunning cross on the front, this exquisite flower arrangement exudes heartfelt blessings with each eye-catching, star-shaped lily. Bouquet is approximately 17"H x 16"W.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers in various parts of the country. Care is taken to maintain the style, theme and color scheme of the arrangement, using flowers of equal value. Additionally, the substitution of certain keepsake items may be necessary due to increased demand, especially during major holidays. In single-flower arrangements, such as an all rose bouquet, or orchids, we will make every attempt to match the flower type, but may substitute with another color.